Boilers are worth investing in as they allow you to experience the hot water when you need it the most. However, it’s also essential to do the proper maintenance of the boiler as it reduces the high expenses and increases the lifespan of the boiler. The Weil Mclain boiler is most sought after as it’s packed with numerous innovative features. The features are quite beneficial to the user and result in high safety for a long period of time. In the post, you can count on the 7 innovative features.
1: Forced Draft Firing
The modern Weil Mclain boilers don’t require a chimney. These boilers operate on a three food vent that is located on top of the roof. The installation of the forced-draft boiler in the 94 series include three core benefits such as:
- There is no need for extra mechanical draft equipment
- The boilers have high efficiency as it’s being pressurized
- The space requirements of a boiler room are reduced
2: Hydro Wall Design
Do you know the Weil Mclain gas boiler 94 series features a hydro wall design? It’s a creative water-backed combustion area that circulates water around the firebox. The appealing sidewalls & crown sheet of the boiler allow the smooth yet maximum heat transfer. The design also aims:
- Reduce the chances of heat loss through the bottom of the boiler
- Installation on any floor is easy to do
3: No Refractory Combustion Chamber
The combustion area of the boiler is covered up with water; the burners for flame retention don’t require hot refractories for this purpose. Weil Mclain high-tech boilers save the cost of the boilers by saving you from getting the combustion chamber materials. Moreover, additional expenses on the labor.
4: Section Sealing Method
The launch of the section sealing in the new Weil Mclain boilers makes sure a watertight yet permanent seal between the sections. Moreover, this sealing method facilitates the quick assembly of sections.
5: Flue Gas Traveler
The modern Weil Mclain boilers are combined with an ultra-efficient three-pass design which helps in:
- Force hot gasses to make sure there is a balanced flue gas travel
- Clean the complete flue area
- Combat shortcuts to the chimney
Moreover they have higher velocities and longer flue gas travel, which absorb heat adequately.
6: Front Cleanout Opening
Another innovative feature of the Weil Mclain boiler is that it has two large cleanout doors. The doors give access to the center flue ways that keep the cleaning. The cleanout plates are rope sealed & provide fast access for seamless maintenance.
7:Manufactured with Small Size Draw Rods to Deliver Faster & Easier Assembly
Rather than using one long rod, this brand of boilers have many short draw rods to be certain the sections are securely & safely tied together. In fact, this is an important feature which you can’t have any other boilers. Moreover, it’s highly acknowledged by every leading insurance company.
Above are the incredible features of the Weil Mclain boiler that will keep the boiler system efficient for a long time. Moreover, the features ensure proper security that not only maintain the system but also save people’s lives.